Version 0.009 Latin fixes and more CJK


It's been a little since the last update, but 7x15 now boasts over 24000 characters, including over 4500 CJK characters. The current goal is to have basic support for Japanese before BitSummit, an indie video game event in Kyoto in mid July.

What does "Basic Support" mean for Japanese? For now, this is considered to be the list of Joyo (daily use) kanji, which is currently around 2100 commonly used characters. Of course, this isn't everything that is used in Japanese, but it should cover most day-to-day cases. I'm currently building the basic Chinese versions of these characters, but hope to institute Japanese and Korean variants in the near future. Currently, I've completed about 3/4 of the Joyo kanji, in Chinese form. When I've finished the Joyo list, I'll go through and add Korean and Japanese variants as well. I suspect this will take some time, and likely won't be ready for BitSummit, but since most of the variants have only minor differences, the font may be mostly usable for basic Japanese as is.

I've also revised some thinner Latin letters to fill their space more, which has led to a more uniform looking font. You can see evidence of this in the banner. "Multilingual" looks far more uniform across its length.

Moving forward, I'll continue to work through the Joyo kanji list, and will look into adding JK variants. I'll also work to add Ethiopic and some more South and South East Asian languages.

As usual, if there is any feedback, please feel free to let me know in the font forum. 

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